Tuesday, 27 July 2010 05:25

Essence of All Livings

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People do what not for "it"? 7 Oceans to sail, 700 horizons to cross, 7,000 wishes to be fulfilled, 70,000 miles we travel in search for 'it', which does not even form our 7th sense for 7 seconds!. People reach zeniths and look down for "it", and other people down, wish to fly up for 'it'. Winters wear out, springs come and sing, and still 'it' remains the most sought after and least obtained thing.

Prayers are offered, sacrifices are made, gifts are promised to the temple Gods, and we feel we are sure to get 'it'. But we forget that 'it' comes through blessings and not by bribing.

What exactly is 'it'? To most people 'it' denotes money, but the people with most money, are least likely to have 'it'. So there are millions of futile attempts to somehow buy it', possess 'it', trap 'it'. However, all these failures just bring forth the hard core fact-that 'it' is not a wondrous commodity of transaction; 'it' is a feeling.

Many others synonymies 'it' with cars, big houses, wives and sons, silver and gold, the latest film, the oldest antique. But there cannot be a greater antonym for 'it' than these. And here itself, the parasites of worry, fear and bitterness take footage.

We see people struggling for years, constantly fighting a war with the world, destiny and themselves-with the hope of achieving the immaculate 'it'. Alas! Each intoxicating reach gives birth to only newer heights. Fools that we are! Dissatisfaction takes centre stage; 'it' left standing backside.

So-called ‘love' is supposed to lead to ‘it', but to find ‘it' in material love-only leads to shattered hearts which are drowned in chilled beer and clouds of smoke. We make a chain of bonds in relationships with an expectation' of getting more out of the other. What a sinful error! We stretch this most blissful virtue into mental agony and family terror. The sea of frustration is endless and sorry! We are the only sufferers, as 'it' does not trap; rather 'it' sets us free.

Where do we find 'it'? So many sages and learned men go searching for 'it' in their books of vast knowledge. And millions bow down to them with folded hands, thinking them to have mastered 'it', I see a question mark here too, for the truly wise is the one who understands that 'it' is a realization through introspection, not a technical textbook at all. Then, again, discontentment is seen, proudly ruling all.

"It" denotes different things to different people. Nevertheless, 'it' is the universal truth, which applies to all. Abundance of 'it' makes us cry, lack of 'it' makes us cry, too much of 'it' leads to hysteria, too little of 'it' makes us hysteric, once we know 'it' we perceive 'it' everywhere, and till we don't know 'it' - we see 'it' nowhere. So what! In the heavens is 'it'? Another common error here. 'It' is not found just in the heavens. For the one who cannot realize 'it' living on this earth, can never know it elsewhere either.

'It'! Happiness. Divine Happiness. Eternal Happiness. Hyaloid as water, bright as sunshine, fresh as a blooming flower, pure as a smile on a child's face, few moments of peace an blissful acquiescence.

Think, and you shall infer. Seek, and You Shall find.

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