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Saturday, 23 April 2011 09:32

Take a Spiritual Retreat

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Impoverishment whether it is outer or inner is miserable. Those who have the experience of impoverishment know how expensive that experience is. Food, clothing and shelter are the basic needs of a living being for which one has to struggle hard. Unfortunately there are many on this earth Planet, who being bereft of these basic necessities suffer in life. Every religion starts from stomach. It is an insult to teach metaphysics to a starving person. But on the other hand, it is not that as we think that ‘eating, drinking and making merry’ is the be-all and end-all of life, which leads to inner impoverishment.

Plunged in pursuits of material pleasures, we hardly had time to think whether this is true or false life we are leading. Everything is going on smoothly but all of a sudden, a striking blow comes shattering everything as if it were a dream. Then we are forced to wonder what is real and what is unreal. This limited universe of senses of ours is bounded on both sides by an unfathomed vast sea of unlimited.

Rising of the sun and setting of the sun remind us of unknown and unlimited. We lost in deep ignorance considering that the body, mind and intellect are real, which are only the matter and have got no power of their own. It is the self, the spirit which provides all the power to body, mind and intellect. We can understand that only when we take a Spiritual Retreat.

A Spiritual Retreat is not going to the jungle or Himalayas though that can be conducive to spirituality. Its main aim is to go within yourself, to be connected with the Third Eye in Meditation and above all the Realization that you are not this solid body but the divine eternal current of life and consciousness within the body. This material and ephemeral world is incapable of providing us permanent peace and bliss which is already within all of us. We are the repository of all bliss, all knowledge and all existence.

In our true nature, we are not the victims of time, space and causation. We are not the poor creatures to be crushed under the wheels of some unforeseen force. We are not at all the bleating sheep but roaring lions. It is a very bold and unconvincing statement for someone swept away in the complexities of this life. Truth can be realized by taking a spiritual retreat through meditation. We realize our true nature in meditation.

मैं और मेरा यार एक ही बस्ती में बसते हैं।
किस्मत की क्या खूबी है कि दर्शन को तरसते हैं।।

All the scriptures and sages proclaim with one voice that man’s intrinsic nature is all peaceful. Given a choice one can stay in peace for twenty-four hours but it is a hell to stay in temper even for an hour. The boiling water does cool down eventually no matter how much heat is given to it because the basic nature of water is to stay cool and provide peace and freshness.

It is the spiritual retreat which dawns upon us that all the support and succor come from within. Help thyself by thyself. Divinity is within.
There is but one reality and that reality is our self. Baffling circumstances of sorrow and joy; pain and pleasure are not real. They do come and go but one external reality remains. Clouds of various hues overcast the blue serene sky for some time. They come and go but the beautiful tranquil sky remains there without any change whatsoever. So self is shining there all the time. We have covered our eyes with hands and call them fools who say that there is light. Spiritual retreat takes away our hands from the eyes and helps us to see the ever-shining light.
That peaceful source, this true nature which is ours has been buried under thick layers of obstinate ego.

अपनी ना की तलाश, बड़ी चूक यह हुई।
बरसों किए खराब, खुदा तलाश में हमनें।।

In no way, spiritual retreat is the condemnation of the world or starving to death. It is the realization of our true nature while performing all the worldly duties assigned to us by divine, earnestly and honestly. We are to live in the world but we are not to allow the world to live within us. Be in the world but not of it. A boat stays in water but water must not enter into the boat. A bee comes to suck the honey but its feet and wings get stuck to honey and it loses its life. Similar is our lot involved in the complexities and intricacies of life.

We came to work; we are worked.
We came to catch; we are caught.
We came to enjoy; we are being enjoyed.

A spiritual retreat is retiring to your own true spirit, going within and connecting within the Third Eye is paramount if we wish to have permanent peace. This transient world of pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, success and failure, gain and loss is incapable of providing permanent peace. The simplest and the easiest way is to take up Vishvas Meditation regularly and consistently. Vishvas Meditation is an inward journey towards your own source. Meditation is not forcing the mind to be quiet. It is finding the quiet that is already there.

Gurudev Swami Vishvas ji proclaims that meditation is God’s grace and is a subject of vibrations. It is shared. It is not at all concentration which is commonly misunderstood. It is going beyond mind. It is non-doing state. You are just to watch, watch and watch with eyes closed and sitting in a comfortable posture. We are just to watch whatever is going inside. There is thick darkness, dead silence and continuous flow of wayward thoughts. Just watch them and don’t identify yourself with them. If you do get involved with them, do come back to your source. This is spiritual retreat.

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