Monday, 12 March 2018 09:14

Vishvas Meditation at Presidium School, Dwarka.

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Vishvas Meditation at Presidium School, Dwarka.

In an endeavor to empower teachers, sessions on Meditation and Mind Management were organized by Vishvas Foundation in Presidium School in Dwarka, Delhi - in the month of March and then followed in May, based on the amazing response from participants. The sessions were attended by the complete school staff - teachers and heads of training departments ( HODs), and they benefitted immensely.

In the words of Ms. Rashmi Dua, the Academic Head:

Undisturbed calmness of mind, friendliness towards the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference towards the wicked- is the ultimate result of Vishvas Meditation.

The beauty of Vishvas Meditation is that it is not associated with any religion. Rather, it is a science that integrates scattered minds, eliminates the negativity within and results in bringing about great transformation in the mindsets and attitudes of the practitioners towards their goals, aspirations, surroundings and work environment.

During the sessions, we learned that mind is undisciplined and unruly, and it resists any attempts to discipline it or to guide it on a particular path. Vishvas Meditation is a great way of nourishing the inner self and the divinity within.

The sessions were concluded with the realization that meditation teaches you to attend to what is taking place within without reacting, and this makes all the difference!

The Vishvas Meditation sessions are highly effective in helping us meander through the unexplored realms within and realizing that the mind itself is the biggest obstacle standing between us and the awareness. We remain strangers to ourselves and this leads to a conflict between our inner self and the external world.

Thank you so much for such enriching , engrossing and serene sessions. Vishvas Meditation has truly connected the participants to themselves.

Looking forward to more such mesmerizing sessions.

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