Sunday, 23 January 2011 09:06

Meditation: Nectar of Scriptures

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Mysteries of life are so complex and this universe is so vast that the intellect can’t explore the realms of unknown. Universe of ours, the universe of senses, the rational is bounded on both sides by illimitable, the unknown, the ever unknown. Reasoning or dead logic won’t be of any help. It is the inspiration, the light which comes from meditation which is an inner journey towards the “unknown making it more that unknown because it can never be known.” It is a subject of vibrations. It is not bookish at all.

A genius of great name and fame was asked how much knowledge he had attained. He was standing on the sea-shore where sand was spread all around. He picked up a piece of sand and remarked, “As this piece of sand is to the mass of sand spread all around, my knowledge is very much limited as compared to the vast knowledge of the universe.” All the scriptures and the religions of the world pronounce loudly and clearly that all the knowledge lies within you. Search for TRUTH must not be an outer one but an inner one.

All the temples, mosques, gurudwaras, churches and holy places are the sign-post directing towards the treasure which lies within. “The kingdom of heaven is within.” Unfortunately we are catching hold of sign-posts – nay even fighting over them and forget about the real goal, the real objective, the true light about which they are pointing. Camphor is evaporated and we are fighting over the bottle. Fruits are scattered and we are quarreling over the basket.

Exactly same is the situation with scriptures. Meditation is the nectar of all scriptures. Meditation is an attempt for self-realization. All our lives, we try to know others including our body, our mind, our intellect which are others as well. All the scriptures say that we are not the body, we are not the mind and we are not the intellect. Then who are we? We must make an effort to know ourselves.

अपनी न की तलाश, बड़ी चूक ये हुई
बरसों किये खराब खुदा तलाश में हमने

In meditation, we know our true nature. Those who believe in eating, drinking and merry-making are looking at a golden ribbon wrapped over a big scar. They are pleased with a golden ribbon unaware of deadly scar hidden behind the shining thing. They can be compared to a wood of a grave-yard rotten from inside but painted and varnished from outside.

All the spiritual masters awaken the man lost in deep slumber to come out of this trans and make an effort to know himself through meditation. ‘Be in the world but not of it’. ‘Live in the world but don’t let the world live in you’. It is possible only through meditation. What is meditation?

There are many misconceptions about meditation so much so that some steeped in ignorance claim that meditation has side-effects. Some declare that meditation is concentration of mind. It is a technique which has to be learnt by spending huge sums of money. Big camps are organized for that.

Gurudev Shri Swami Vishvas Ji has done a great service to mankind by explaining that meditation is not the concentration of mind. When thoughts are interrupted, it is concentration. When flow to your own self, your true nature is uninterrupted, it is meditation. It is not bookish. It has no technique. It is a subject of vibrations.

Meditation is an inner spontaneous journey towards your own true self, your own home. How can it be difficult to go to your own home? It is your birth-right. It is not a commodity of market to be bought and sold. It is God’s grace and Guru’s grace showered freely and immensely.

All the scriptures remind us that the beginning of all creatures is veiled, the middle is manifested and the end again is imperceptible. Present is Parmatman (God). Meditation teaches us to stay in present. Mind will walk into the future or run into the past. It never stays in present which is its death. The more you try to control the mind, the more havoc it creates; meditation is not forcing the mind to be quiet. It is finding the quiet that is already there.

Swami Ji proclaims, “All the strength is hidden within you; you are to explore it through meditation which is the nectar of all scriptures. Meditation is going beyond mind, beyond all your thoughts. Meditation is the realization of your true nature which is existence, knowledge and bliss. Regular meditation will remove all the stress and strain and provide you permanent peace and bliss which is rare commodity in external world.

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