Saturday, 24 November 2018 21:18

Protect your Spark Featured

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You have so much of shine within, you can dazzle like a SUN!

The fact worth a thought here is that, the SUN lives in the ‘present’- hence it radiates pure energy, fire, and light - every moment in the ‘now’ - becoming THE source of all life. As a matter of fact, every entity, living or non-living, lives in the ‘now’, except humans! Ironically, a human being is the only intelligent species on our planet that gets wasted, that too willingly, dwelling beyond comfort in the past and brooding beyond reason in the future. Over-thinking is a habit that robs men and women of their charm, enthusiasm and joy that is much needed for the pursuit of one’s dreams and everyday living. Thinking too much has done more harm to people than any loss or failure ever has! Thoughts come in all shapes, sizes and colour, but that’s what they merely are, thoughts- of others - opinions of others - words of others. Clinging to thoughts of people long after they left, over-analysing possibilities that did not work out, lingering over what could have gone right but didn’t, indulging in self-inflicted post-mortems, are some of the surest and quickest ways of losing your lustre! Without realizing, we carry and nurture the web of many worlds within that eventually weighs us down, demotivates us, de-energizes us, making us lose sight of our beauty of uniqueness.

Protect your spark - like a mother protects her baby! Meditation is the Master Key. Meditation is an inner cleansing that dissolves all the unnecessary within, bringing you back to the lovely present moments, full of freshness and positive energy. Meditation kindles the fire within! It connects you to your deepest reservoirs, where lies your most powerful and brightest self, that can attempt and achieve anything it sets its heart on!

#Tap your hidden powers #Be the Fire #Shine and Rise #Meditate daily.

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