Monday, 30 August 2010 08:45

Insatiable Desires

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The flame of fire always goes up. Man must strive to attain his ideal of selfless service to humanity or Self-realization or his own divinity – Each soul is potentially divine. Each one is to choose his own ideal and work hard for it. Even if you don’t attain it, struggle is well worth it. If you aim at sky, you shoot higher than a tree.

Death being certain, it is for better to die for a noble cause.

We must have an aim to make progress and always go forward without looking back and caring for the results and looking for comforts and happiness. Be careful! This happiness lies within and not without. It is difficult for us to understand because comforts and luxuries of this world provide us ephemeral happiness and drive us into the meshes of insatiable desires. These desires are unlimited with no end to them, just as one wave in lake gives rise to another wave before it subsides. One desire leads to the other giving us the warning that happiness does not lie in the fulfillment of desires. In-fact desires spring up misery. They destroy our peace of mind and become the cause of anger when they are not fulfilled. It is impossible to attain happiness by satisfying all the desires because the wealth of the whole world cannot extinguish the fire of craving for more and more.

“It is difficult to find happiness in oneself”, says Schopenhauer, “but it is impossible to find it anywhere else.”

Gurudev Shri Ji stresses that you are looking for happiness in the wrong direction. Day in and day out, you are wearing yourself out in the satisfaction of your desires. If the power to satisfy your desires increases in arithmetical progression, the number of desires increases in geometrical progression. You cannot put out the fire of temptation by pouring oil of attachment on it. The realization of your own true nature through meditation will bridle the reckless horses of your desires.

Lord Krishna describes in Verses 62-63 Chapter II of Bhagavad Gita how desires lead to the devastation of mankind:-

ध्यायेतो विषयानपुंसः सङ्गस्तेषूपजायते।
सङ्गात्सञ्जायते कामः कामात्क्रोधोऽभिजायते
क्रोधाद्भवति सम्मोहः सम्मोहात्स्मृतिविभ्रमः
स्मृतिभ्रंशाद् बुद्धिनाशो बुद्धिनाशात्प्रणश्यति

Brooding on sense objects brings attachment to them. Attachment breeds desire to possess them, desire when unfulfilled breeds anger. Anger breeds delusion, delusion breeds loss of memory (of the self). Loss of right memory causes decay of wisdom. From decay of wisdom, annihilation (of spiritual life) ensues.

All this is quite obvious in this world of progress and prosperity where so called affluent people hanker after peace and tranquility. What to talk of individuals? Even the powerful nations attack the poor nations in order to fulfill their desire of Self-empowerment. Result is devastation and destruction in the world – poor becoming poor and rich becoming rich. The gap between the have’s and have-not’s is widening.

It is all due to unlimited wants and false illusion that happiness will be attained with their fulfillment. Sea can never be calm as long as the waves rise and fall. One wave will give rise to another perpetually disturbing the calmness of the sea. The sea would be in tranquility only when there aren’t any waves.

So in order to get rid of the meshes of these insatiable desires, we are to apprehend that we can never, never satisfy all our desires even if we are in possession of all the resources of the world. We must realize that satiation does not lie in the fulfillment of desires. It can only be found in our true nature, which is All Bliss and knows no misery. You are only to plunge into meditation. By regular meditation mind becomes no-mind, thoughts diminish and desires subside in the ever-lasting bliss of your true nature.

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