It has been a clarion call from the saints and sages of past and present, “O ye Children of Bliss, give few moments to your own self.” Adam’s Curse has fallen on all of us, “Thou shall earn thy bread with the sweat of thy brow” and we are being crushed under the ever-lasting wheels of time, space and causation. We are so much lost in the worldly affairs that we have no time to spare for ourselves.
Man is the supreme creation of God. The Almighty has cast him in His own image. He enjoys a distinguished position due to being blessed with versatile spiritual, mental and physical endowments. But unfortunately, man does not realise his privileged position and does not care to explore.
Gurudev Shri Swami Vishvas ji proclaims that you must be mindful for the external world but you must leave the mind far behind while embarking upon the inner journey. All knowledge of the external world is obtained through the concentration of mind.
अपनी ना की तलाश, बड़ी चूक ये हुईबरसों किये ख़राब, खुदा तलाश में हमने
Real happiness lies within and not without. No amount of worldly comforts and luxuries can provide permanent happiness. When this world, in itself, is evanescent, how can it provide permanent pleasure? Moreover, pleasure and pain, happiness and sorrow, sun and shade are inseparable. They both are sides of the same coin. One who smiles today may have to wail sooner or later.
Amidst the fathomless sea of suffering on earth and endless troubles and tribulations of life, there is a soundless sound coming from the innermost depth of every one’s heart that the wind of God’s grace is always blowing. What you need to do is unfurl your sails. Give up the burden of all deeds to the Lord; give up both good and bad. Have only one idea of God that He is an eternal help.
Involved headlong in worldly affairs and deeply engrossed in the meshes of endless desires, a question arises in the mind of man sooner or later, “What is Real?” Even if someone is swept away completely by his daily engagements that this question does not raise its head, then death comes to everyone – saint or sinner, rich or poor, pure or scoundrel, high or low. It spares none irrespective of caste, color or creed.
Unity in diversity is the plan of the universe. Waves are many but sea is one. Leaves are many but tree is one. Beads are strewn apart. The thread makes a beautiful necklace of these beads. Flowers are scattered and a thread makes a beautiful garland out of these flowers. That thread, that unity is love. Love unites and discard divides. It is the love for the country that martyrs sacrifice their lives.
“Life is a continuous struggle,”; “Life is misery”; “Life is not a bed of roses, Life is Dukkha” are the common comments which people doing about life. Obviously living such a life will be drudgery. Our Upnishadic Rishis have said, “Life is good, Life is a blessing. To live life is a game. Play it fully. God has given you the opportunity, play it to its full but don’t get identified with it.
In this evanescent world of dualities of pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, good and bad, sun and shade, light and darkness, day and night, life and death and so on, it is very difficult to decide what is right and what is wrong or what is good and what is bad. The same phenomenon that appears to be bad now may appear to be good tomorrow. The same thing that produces misery in one may produce happiness in another.
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