We should live and think in present just as we live in the living room of the house. We may visit the bathroom but our main abode is in the living room. As it is said that:- Past is HistoryFuture is mysteryPresent is treasury
Maya is terrible. It is everywhere. No question of transcending it, it is unexplainable in ordinary language. It was described as an illusion as a snake in a rope or a mirage as water in sand but snake and water do not exist at all. They seem to exist only due to ignorance but none can deny the existence of life, of this external world. The existence of the external world which seems to be eternal is ephemeral. So we are caught in the meshes of existence and non-existence.
Vishvas Meditation ensures full protection against all damages and weaknesses to those who practice it. Evil and fear remain miles away from the place surcharged with meditation. Let us meditate and reform ourselves towards purity by giving up all habits, all that is beast-like, non-divine, ungodly & uncouth that express themselves through lower instincts and deviate us from the path of divinity.
People do what not for "it"? 7 Oceans to sail, 700 horizons to cross, 7,000 wishes to be fulfilled, 70,000 miles we travel in search for 'it', which does not even form our 7th sense for 7 seconds!. People reach zeniths and look down for "it", and other people down, wish to fly up for 'it'. Winters wear out, springs come and sing, and still 'it' remains the most sought after and least obtained thing.
The sermon of Gurudev Shri Swami Vishvas Ji is "Deify the universe. See Him everywhere, in everything. If not in everything, see Him in one thing i.e. your own inner self through meditation". When you are connected with the THIRD EYE through meditation, you see Him in the innermost shrine of your true self. Once you attain that stage, you will see Him everywhere, in everything.
We read, "Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you". The question is who seeks and who wants? The chief thing is to want to know Thyself, to want God. We want everything except God because our ordinary wants are supplied by the external world. When frustrated, we turn to God and there too we present ourselves as beggars.
A well known Saint, Rabia was looking for something in the street. Children asked with respect, "Good gracious madam, what are you looking for?" "A Needle" was the reply. Thereupon children asked again, "where have you lost it?" "At home" replied the saint. Children were astonished to hear that. In order to silence their anxiety, Rabia said that it was quite dark in the house and she could not see anything. So she was searching in the street in broad-day light. Instead of solving the problem, this reply increased their anxiety.
The real is Self-illumination, Self-existence and Self-knowledge. Unfortunately it is hidden under the layers of mind. "This mind is Maya. Wealth is not Maya. World is not Maya" is heard from Gurudev Shri Swami Vishvas Ji's sermons. This mind is the greatest obstacle to explore the possibilities of inner space. It is almost impossible to hold the mind to one thing for more than a few seconds. Unless you go beyond the mind or mind becomes un-mind, this mind will make you dance unto its own tune and that will ruin your life mercilessly. It is not without significance that so many people suffer from mental illness because they have, in a very real sense been ripped apart by their own indiscipline of mind.
Misconceptions abound about meditation not only among the illiterate but among the intellectuals and professionals too. It is ill-quoted that meditation has side effects. In fact it is the techniques of concentration which have side effects such as head-ache, eye-strain, migraine etc. How can Meditation, which is the sum and substance of all scriptures and which is the kernel of all religions of the world, have side effects? Generally very little effort is made to distinguish between meditation and concentration. The result, we are lost in wilderness.
Gurudev Shri Swami Vishvas Ji proclaims, “O Man! Know Thyself! Realize yourself! You are the repository of Bliss. You are a roaring lion. You are not the bleating sheep.” The unfortunate event that has happened to us is that we have forgotten our true nature. We gave power to mind, and mind became the master and we – a poor slave, a victim of blood pressure, hyper-tension, and heart-diseases and so on. We consider ourselves Mr. or Mrs., so and so, men or women, bodies or minds.
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